See If You Qualify for Debt Relief - Legally Resolve Most of the Debt You Owe.
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5

How much debt do you have?

Don't include mortgage and car loans.


How far behind are you on payments?

It happens... We're here to help.

In what state do you live?

Each state has different laws... Don't worry, we're experts.

What's your name?

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Final step. What are your basic contact details?

Let us know how best to contact you.

By clicking "Submit", you agree that the phone number you are providing may be used to contact you by Advocate Financial(including auto-dialed/auto-selected and pre recorded calls, as well as text/SMS messages), regardless of Federal or internal DNC status. Msg. and data rates apply, and your consent to such contact/marketing is not required for purchase.

100% FREE • No SSN Required • Takes Just 20 Seconds • It never Hurts to Check

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See what others are saying...

My representative was great. I was a little skeptical at first but she took the time to explain and give me the additional information I needed to get started. While the process seemed a bit overwhelming she was with me every step of the way! Now I am seeing my debts settle for less than owed!

Truly a life changing decision and I can’t thank them enough for all their help!

Marissa New York ★★★★

I was scared at first. I've never done this type of thing before & was apprehensive about turning my bills over to someone else, but it turns out that I did the right thing. I made a total mess of my debt & needed it fixed. I was unable to do it on my own. There is always someone that will answer your question & help ease the process. I would recommend them to my friends or anyone else.

Thanks for making a trying time a little easier!

Kevin Wisconsin ★★★★

This is the first time I have ever been part of a team so caring, keeping me updated and informed on every step of the way, contacting me by phone monthly and emails showing me that you all are concerned about my debts in a very professional way. Seeing the emails come in showing my debts being settled for less than I owe is amazing!

Linda Texas ★★★★

For the past three-plus years, I have been well cared for as I remediate my horrific credit card debts. I received monthly updates about how and when each card was settled. I was given a real-time look at the end of the tunnel. If I called into my number, the rep always used security to assure it was me,was always ready to help if my personal rep was unavailable. My rep, was just as excited as I was towards the end of my payments

Dave & Jen California ★★★★

Recent Settlements*

Creditor Debt Amount Settlement Savings
Chase $43,065 $12,000 72%
Amazon $5,200 $2,200 58%
Discover $3,860 $1,930 50%
Bank of America $16,065 $6,747 72%
JC Penney $512 $300 30%
Home Depot $3,533 $1,483 42%
TJ Maxx $1,865 $634 68%
Capital One $17,935 $12,000 33%
State Farm $6,065 $3,000 50%
Synchrony $4,356 $2,000 54%
Discover $3,795 $1,000 74%
Macy's $2,500 $795 68%

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this work?
Do I need to give you my social security number to get started?
Am I obligated to to work with you?
What types of debt do you work with?
Does Advocate Financial charge me anything?
How much can I save?